Shin Ainomachi-dori Street (新間之町通)

Shin Ainomachi-dori Street is a street running from north - south through Kyoto City.

Shin Ainomachi-dori Street is a short street spanning only one block in the east of the Kamo-gawa River (in Yodo-gawa River system) between Nijo-dori Street and Niomon-dori Street in Sakyo Ward. The southward extended portion of Shin Ainomachi-dori Street has a different name, Shin Sakaimachi-dori Street. Many pieces of machiya (a type of residence or store in the central part of a city) line Shin Ainomachi-dori Street.

The name, Shin Ainomachi-dori Street was given because the residents living in an area along and in the north of Marutamacih-dori Street along Ainomachi-dori Street moved to the current site which was in the east of Kamo-gawa River (and which was a newly developed area) due to the Imperial Palace's expansion in Kyoto.

[Original Japanese]